After celebrating Independence Day this week, I have been thinking a lot about the freedom we have in America. Unlike many countries, we are free to do so much. But our freedom also comes the responsibility to use it wisely.

Are we wasting our freedom?

I read the following passage in my Bible this morning and I’m feeling convicted.

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
Galations 5:13

What are we doing with our freedom?

• We are free to give generously to people in need… but most don’t.
• We are free to help the poor… but most don’t.
• We are free to get to know our neighbors… but most don’t.
• We are free to feed the hungry… but most don’t.
• We are free to serve the church… but most don’t.
• We are free to talk about faith at work or school… but most don’t.
• We are free to help orphans and widows… but most don’t.
• We are free to worship publicly… but most don’t.
• We are free to read the Bible whenever we want… but most don’t.

We are free to do so many things. Opportunities are everywhere. But most of us (myself included) choose to exercise our freedom for ourselves.

What are we doing with our freedom?

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